Stall Holder Applications


Food, Variety & Trade applicants

Food, Variety and Trade stalls are located at the top oval of the show grounds. Please note the applications closing dates and deadlines on the application form.

Application Form (Food) – CLOSED

Application Form (Trade & Variety – HANDMADE ITEMS should apply for the River Market which is run on the Saturday only) – CLOSED

Application Form (Community Groups) – CLOSED


All Stall holders: Smoke Free Event Policy

The fees for stalls are:

Site Fee: Per Square Meter (3m deep stall) – Variety Stalls $22/sqm
Site Fee: Per Square Meter (6m deep stall) – Variety Stalls $15/sqm
Site Fee: Per Square Meter (minimum 4m deep stall) – Food Stalls $26/sqm
Hire Item: 3m x 3m Marquee $213
Hire Item: 6m x 3m Marquee $347
Hire Item: Trestle Table $14
Hire Item: Plastic Chair $3
Power – 10amp outlet $20 per outlet
Power – 15amp outlet $30 per outlet
Car space in the showgrounds carpark $12
Car + trailer space in the showgrounds carpark $22
Additional adult entry tickets $12 each

River Market applicants

River market stalls are located on the river flats on the Saturday only and are most suited for small arts and crafts stalls.

Application Form (River Market Stall) – Apply Here

Application Form (Kids Market Stall) – Apply Here

The fees for stalls are:

Site Fee: 3m x 3m (1 Car space included) $80
Site Fee: 6m x 3m (1 Car & Trailer space included) $160
Car space in the showgrounds carpark $12
Car + trailer space in the showgrounds carpark $22
Additional adult entry tickets $12 each

Kids Market Terms & Conditions

The below standard Terms & Conditions apply.  The following are some additional conditions relating specifically to the Young Entrepreneurs section:

  • Stall applications are open from children aged 8 years to 15 years.
  • Children are to run their stall solely by themselves (parents can assist with set up and pack down plus supervision) we are wanting the children to learn from this experience.
  • All items must be either made or packaged by the children – they can’t simply buy and re-sell items.
  • Any food items must apply for a food permit with the City of Armadale.
  • All stalls must have their own insurance.
  • The stall price includes 1 ticket entry.
  • All parents or siblings attending must purchase a stall holder ticket at $12 this is heavily discounted.
  • No parking permits are included – you can purchase one for onsite parking for $12 or park outside of the grounds. Paid parking located at Kelmscott primary straight across the road or street parking is very limited.
  • Must supply your own gazebo and tables.

General Terms & Conditions

  1. The application will be processed once the complete Application Form and supporting documents are received. All successful applications will receive an invoice upon acceptance and payment is required 2 weeks after your stall has been confirmed unless otherwise agreed. Application for stalls will be accepted at the discretion of the Kelmscott Agricultural Society Inc. (KAS) and payment DOES NOT deem acceptance.
  2. There shall be no refund for withdrawing your application after payment has been made. A refund is only applicable where the event is cancelled by KAS.
  3. Sites will be allocated on a first paid, first served basis. Consideration will be given to previous stall holders.
  1. Stall holders and exhibitors are responsible for their own Public & Product Liability Insurance with a minimum cover of:
    1. $20 million for operators of rides, games, and show bag retailers
    2. $20 million for Food Vendors
    3. $10 million – all other exhibitors including River Market

A copy of Stall Holders Public & Prouct Liability insurance and Certificate of Currency MUST be provided with this application.

  1. KAS is not responsible for any damage, loss, theft, or personal injury including from event cancellation.
  2. The Terms & Conditions may change prior to the event. Any changes will be communicated to stall holders.
    All stall holders must agree to adhere to any guidelines, restrictions or requirements placed on KAS by the authorities (I.e. COVID regulations, etc). These will be communicated to all stall holders as required.
  3. Stall holders will strictly observe legislation, Kelmscott Agricultural Society Constitution and By-Laws relating to their site and business.
  4. Sellers are required to observe KAS sponsorship commitments and at the time of applying for space, should enquire whether the sponsorship requirement applies or affects the selling of items as described in the stall holder’s application.
  5. All areas on the Showgrounds shall remain smoke-free and all Stallholders and their Staff shall comply with this requirement. No activities or items that directly or indirectly encourage or support the use of tobacco or tobacco products (including e-cigarettes) will be allowed on the Showgrounds.
  6. No activities or promotions that encourage consumption of alcohol or stimulants use or glamorise getting drunk or simply that getting drunk is desirable will be allowed on the Showgrounds.  KAS may approve specific stalls to provide alcohol taste testing.
  7. No application granted by KAS is exclusive and KAS may, in its absolute discretion, permit any other person or franchise to sell or exhibit similar or the same goods or to carry on a similar or the same business or activity at the Showgrounds.
  8. No dogs / pets are allowed on the show grounds.
  9. KAS reserves the right to request the removal of products from display and sale if they are deemed unsafe, offensive, inappropriate or do not comply with KAS sponsorship commitments.
  10. The sale or distribution of water pistols, weapons, fireworks or sparklers is strictly forbidden.
  11. The sale of raffle tickets by stallholders is prohibited unless approved by KAS prior.
  12. KAS reserves the right to inspect all bags on entry to the show grounds. Any prohibited items will not be allowed into the show grounds.
  13. Free Entry for stall holders will be issued on the basis of 1 passes per day per 5 sqm1 with a minimum of 2 passes per site (I.e., 2 passes for a 3m x 3m site, 3 passes for a 3m x 6m site) NOTE*: For simplicity, the calculation is rounded down to the nearest whole number. Tickets for additional helpers may be purchased with this application for $12 each. All entry passes are valid for one entry per day. Passouts are available at each entry gate.
  14. Unless advised otherwise, access to the Showgrounds will be available from 9am on Friday and 6am on Saturday. Entry will be via Orlando St next to Gate 4. To avoid congestion in the school zone, please do not queue outside the school until after 9am on Friday.
  15. All stalls must be erected within the site area and any items which are not part of the stall and all vehicles, must be removed from the Showground by 3pm on Friday and 8am on Saturday and are not permitted back on the grounds until after closing times. Vehicles that are not removed by the required times will be towed away and the stallholder shall be responsible for towing and storage costs.
  16. Kelmscott is a high wind area and as such, additional care should be taken to ensure that your marquee and belongs are secure (especially when left unattended overnight). KAS recommends that stall holders, lower their marquee at the end of the day and remove the cover to avoid wind damage. The stall holder will be held liable for any damage caused by the failure to follow these recommendations.
  17. KAS reserves the right to dispose of any damaged property which KAS determines is a safety hazard (I.e. Wind damaged marquee) or is littering the area (I.e. Stock being blown away by the wind).
  18. POWER MUST be booked when you application is submitted. Outlets & lights will only be made available if pre-arranged.
    You are permitted to provide your own generator however the following conditions apply; Generators must be silenced, placed away from other vendors and you must ensure that your generator is not producing pollution that will impact on others.

Stallholders must provide extension cords to plug into each hired outlet.

NOTE* Your stall may be quite a distance away from the outlet and you may need a few leads. All electrical leads and appliances must be tested and tagged with the validity period covering the show. This requirement is a condition imposed by the City of Armadale that all stall holders must adhere to.
When booking a power outlet, you are booking based on the use of that single outlet and the power that that produces. IE 1 x 10amp lead will only be able to manage up to 2400 watts. You may connect a power board as long as it is fitted with surge protection. Food vans must ensure that only have one oven, urn or appliance plugged into each power lead as overloading the circuit will cause it to trip.
Power set ups will be inspected and will need to be signed off by the onsite electrician, if your power is overloading leads/circuits we will need to redistribute power. This may result in needing more outlets/power, if this is the case and we supply these on the day additional charges will apply.

NOTE* KAS will only provide additional leads where able and cannot guarantee that you will be accommodated on the day. Please book adequate outlets in advance so that we can ensure you can trade on the day.

  1. Guy ropes of any tents or awnings, vehicles and other items, which form part of the stall, are to be within the measurement of ground space let including tow hitches. If you intend to operate from a van or trailer, a sketch must be attached to this application showing all dimensions, locations of sales window and other openings that require access space.
  2. When driving on the Showgrounds, all stallholders shall abide by the 8km/h speed limit and abide by the directions given. Any deliberate damage to the facilities will be charged to the stallholder.
  3. Parking is required to be booked as part of your application, this parking is on the grounds and accessible via Gate 1 on River Road. Other parking options are available on River Road in lots operated by other local organisation.
  5. Stall holders are requested to maintain their area in a tidy condition and free from litter. All packaging shall be removed from the site when leaving. All care must be taken when travelling through areas used by members of the public.
  6. Check list for stall holders: On arrival at entry point please ensure you have the following:
    – A copy of the application form
    – A copy of insurance documents
    – Car passes and entry tickets
    – Entry point and parking map
    FOOD VENDORS: City of Armadale Special Events permit